Why choose Trigon AG?
This is best answered by our clients or the manufacturers, whose products we distribute. We would be happy to connect you with long-standing partners for this purpose. In the meantime, we allow ourselves the following statements:
Our experience, expertise and independence. It allows us to always make the best choice for our customers – for a flexible, scalable and future-proof network solution that meets today’s needs and tomorrow’s challenges.
Our passion and curiosity. This regularly inspires us to find innovative solutions for the unique and often quite tricky needs of our customers. To do so, we navigate them safely through the wide range of components and suppliers, the latest technologies and trends.
Our integrity and our well-stocked warehouse. We test all systems in the Trigon laboratory – and every piece of hardware if desired. We only sell what convinces us. In the service depot we keep spare parts ready. You can be sure that if required, a spare part will reach you in no time at all without any risk of a hold up at customs.
Our conviction. If a customer is undecided, we install the solution recommended by us on a trial basis. If it also convinces him, all the better. Otherwise there would be a return guarantee (never been redeemed).
Our service. Of course, we like to sell good products that convince us. But we also find real pleasure when we can help you with advice and support – from consulting to a precise understanding of the challenges and objectives, to implementation and support. And this in proximity in every respect: local, linguistic and cultural.
Speaking of proximity. We are here, on the Swiss market, we speak your language, we listen gladly and well to understand your challenges.
Our promise. The greatest possible benefit for our customers is always top of mind. We promise that with Trigon you achieve your goals in the network area effectively and cost-efficient and are also for the future securely and independently positioned.